The Naked Truth!
Don Tapscott discussing the role of technology in modern society once said "You can’t hide anything in the digital world". So here it is - all that’s inside my PC: programs, utilities, documents - down to the last e.mail you sent me yesterday!
The background of the images in next page gallery is composed of thousand colored blocks that represent all the file in my computer. Each rectangle size is proportional to the file's size. It is for you to guess what is what! This visual feat was made possible by a small utility developed by artist and software engineer Erwin Bonsma.
The polyhedra that constitute the dynamic thread of the series were inspired by the work of mathematicians George Hart & Craig Kaplan. The connection between mathematics and the digital world highlights the close relationship between pure mathematics and a broader concern in art, architecture and science.
Enjoy the visit,
Jean Constant
Polyhedra Gallery